If you kill a zombie, plants grow on the dead body with a low probability. Plants that have finished growing exhibit their unique abilities by type. If you harvest a plant, you can acquire its ability, and the more you harvest, the stronger it will be. Grow and harvest plants to survive zombies as long as you can!

  • Controls Move character -> W, A, S, D Harvest & Attack -> mouse left click Put water & Give water -> mouse right click
  • Plant Plants grow automatically when exposed to light for a long time, and grow immediately when watered. Growth is from level 0 to level 3, and when you reach level 3, you unlock unique abilities.

<Bellflower >

  • GROWTH COMPLETED -> It shines light around. If you are in a place where the light hits you, your hp will gradually fill up.
  • HARVESTED -> Increased field of view and enhanced base health regeneration.


  •  GROWTH COMPLETED -> Fires a projectile to attack zombies in range.
  • HARVESTED -> Fires a projectile in the direction you are facing.

<Ivy >

  • GROWTH COMPLETED -> Binds zombies in the surrounding area so they cannot move for a while. 
  • HARVESTED -> Fires vines that bind zombies around the player. And, increases the player’s max HP.


  • GROWTH COMPLETED -> Causes an ultimate explosion that instantly kills all zombies around it. Instead, it has a long cooldown. 
  • HARVESTED -> Causes explosions that instantly kill zombies in around the player. And, Increases the player’s basic attack.

Map Water can be obtained from pools throughout the map. Day and night exist, and at night the field of vision narrows and plants can’t growing automatically.

Good Luck!

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